(Leonardo da Vinci – Vetpro)
Within this project, in the context of The European Credit Transfer System for Vocational Education and Training (ECVET) and CNC (Computer Numerical Controlled) Operatorship, Stichting EB and several partners in Turkey have realized the following aims:
- Sharing information and experiences of ECVET implementation and evaluation of VET practitioners from EU perspective;
- Creation of a matrix based on the framework of the ECVET principles for basic competences of a CNC Operator;
- Determination of CNC Operator field employment opportunities for disabled people in different sectors.
The applicant institution of this project was Güngören Vocational Technical High School (Istanbul), and the project partners were Bahçeşehir University, Development and Research Center for Vocational Technical Education (BAUMETGEM), Governorship of Istanbul (GOI), Inovasyon Project Training and Consulting Company, (Inovasyon Project) and The Spinal Cord Paralytics Association of Turkey (TOFD). The staff of these institutes, that is experienced in vocational education, ECVET and employment opportunities for disabled people in different fields, have participated in the activities.
The programme was realized between 17-24 May 2014 with 18 participants (including 2 disabled persons and 2 companions) by the host organisation the Foundation “ Stichting Europäisches Bildungswerk” in the Euregion Meuse Rhine (Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands).