In this partnership project the main aim is to create a digital platform for ECVET which provides up to date information in the partner countries (Turkey, Germany, Italy, Switzerland, Latvia and Bulgaria) and Europe on ECVET. Download here the brochure <ENGLISH> <GERMAN>
Aydin University, Istanbul, Turkey (contractor)
Innovazione Apprendimento Lavorno (IAL), March, Italy
Scuola Universitaria Professionale della Svizzera Italiana (SUSPI),Ticino , Switzerland
Inmarketing Ltd, Sofia, Bulgaria
Eurofortis, Riga, Latvia
Stichting Europäisches Bildungswerk (EB-Stichting), Stolberg, Germany
In combination with EQF the discussion of ECVET has initiated an intensive debate on VET in most of the EU member countries. This could create an additional readiness to improve elements of the VET system we are used to. This could make stakeholders aware that nowadays national approaches should be reflected in the light of international realities and developments in VET. The main aim of the Project to create a Digital Platform for ECVET which provides up to date information in partner countries and Europe on ECVET. Vet Stakeholders can share their experience through this platform and they can find the useful information how to implement ECVET. In this Project, Partners will analyze the ECVET in their countries and EU through investigation of The History of ECVET in the Partner Country, The Responsible Institutions and Key Actors in ECVET, The Highlights in Main Laws and Regulations with regard to ECVET, Problems/ Obstacles/ and Solution Offers, and Highlights in The Strategic ECVET Country Plan. This analysis will be compiled as a booklet. Also, ECVET principles and its development in Europe will be investigated as the second booklet in EN and partner languages. Then they will prepare a third booklet including good practices and examples in Europe and partner countries. In the second year of the project, the partners will make a seminar and three workshops for the target groups VET users, VET professionals and VET strategic people. The result of the these activities will be arranged as a report. Finally the digital platform which consists of all the project outputs and results will be formed so that all relevant VET stakeholders can meet to form new projects on ECVET. The partners will share and explain the project results in the international conference in Istanbul.
- Creating Project Online Communication Platform;
- Preparing the template for the need analysis on ECVET in partner countries and Europe;
- Preparing a presentation on how ECVET principles and its development in Europe will be prepared as a second booklet;
- Kick off Meeting in Istanbul: Agenda;
- Analysis of ECVET in partner countries and Europe;
- Preparing the draft document on ECVET principles and its development in Europe;
- Second Project Meeting: Agenda;
- 1. Presentation of partner studies on the analysis of ECVET;
- 2. Presentation of the studies on ECVET principles and its development in Europe;
- 3. Explaining the preparation of first booklet in detail;
- Finalization the partner studies on the analysis of ECVET and send it to P2;
- Preparing the summary of partner studies concerning the analysis in EN and sharing with all partners for the translation;
- Finalization the studies on ECVET principles and its development in Europe;
- Third project meeting: Agenda;
- 1. Final Version of first booklet before publishing;
- 2. Final Version of the studies on ECVET principles and its development in Europe before translation.